We show you the advantages of shipping to the United States.
The US customs offers a series of benefits that are worth taking advantage of for you who want to publicize your brand and internationalize your products:
- It is the third country with the largest population in the world, which implies the possibility of a large audience for the presentation of various merchandise.
- It is one of the countries with the highest per capita consumption expenditures, which is equivalent to high volumes of purchases.
- It has Free Trade Agreements that benefit the entry of merchandise without having to pay a duty or with a lower percentage than other destinations.
- Freight costs due to the large volume of shipments leaving from Colombia are excellent.
Other little secrets you did not know about US customs:
- The United States manages one of the most flexible customs for the entry of Courier merchandise.
- They do not have restrictions on the quantity or weight of the merchandise, which facilitates trade.
- You can send food with INVIMA registration and some medicines as long as the necessary documentation is attached in both cases.
- Shipments to the United States, declared in a value less than USD 800 do not generate tax for the recipient.
Tips to attract customers in the United States
- The American likes clear rules, and that they are well organized in writing will give your sales a bonus.
When shipping to the United States, we recommend you always to tell the customer what are the steps to follow to purchase your products, for example:
- Select the model and write to us to confirm availability.
- Send your complete personal data (name, address and telephone number) to prepare the price of the products and the cost of shipping.
- Make the payment of the product and receive confirmation of your purchase.
- We process your order within 24 hours and send you a tracking number for you to follow up.
- When generating the quote for your products, include the shipping cost, in this way you will not lose the purchase intention and you will be more agile when closing a sale.
- If you constantly sell the same products, generate a standard package and request a shipping quote to the United States in dollars, that way the rate to send the price to your potential buyers will always be available.
- As part of your sales strategy, include in the information that you can deliver your products anywhere in the United States in a maximum of 5 business days and that a tracking number will always be available to follow up the shipment.
- The different areas of the United States always maintain the same rate, the only city that handles a different rate is Miami. You can then consider the same delivery time and freight rate if you have already made a shipment with us to the United States.
Focus on increasing the sales of your company, and let us take care of the logistics to the United States for you.
If you are looking to position your products abroad, shipping to the United States will be decisive for the beginning.
For further advice, contact us.